Schnauzer black
Judged by Sonny Ström
Best Of Breed CC CACIB FIW-21 NOV-21 SKBV Velvet Dandy’s Biscotti
Schnauzer p/s
judged by Sonny Ström
3rd Best Bitch CC Finnish Junior Winner 2021
FJW-21 NJV-21 NV-21 NORDJV-21 DKJV-21 DKV-21 SKBV Adriana Alarm Beskyd coowned with @Lenka Fajkusová
Judged by Annukka Paloheimo Segersven
Best Of Breed & Best Junior CC
FIJW-21 FIW-21 Velvet Dandy’s Peppa Pig
Best Male & Best junior male CC
FIJW-21 FIW-21 NORDJV-21 Velvet Dandy’s Fifer coowned with @helenakar60
3rd Best Male Ex reservCACIB SEUCH NORDJV-21 NV-21 NOUCH Velvet Dandy´s Jakamoko