Schnauzerringens Utmärkelser 2022 Swedish Schnauzer Club Awards 2022

🌟Nr1 Schnauzer of the year 2022

WW-20 NO V-22 FI V-22 Nord V-22 SE V-22 SEUCH NOUCH FIUCH

🌟Velvet Dandy’s Ziggy Stardust

Ägare Martin Ohls

🌟Nr1 AgilitySchnauzer of the year 2022

C.I.B. NO V-19 SE JV-19 DK Jubileum V-22 Bornholm V-22 SEUCH NOUCH FIUCH DKUCH NordicCH SEVCH NOVCH AGD 1 AGHD 1

🌟Velvet Dandy’s Delta Work

Ägare Eva Larsson

🌟Nr1 Junior of the year 2022

🌟Velvet Dandy’s Helmuth Hertz

Ägare Malin Olsson

🌟Nr1 Puppy of the year 2022 4-6 months


🌟Velvet Dandy’s Cooper Black

Ägare Elisabeth Gustavsson

this time we publish photos of all the owners of these superdogs who are always in topshape! Maria ( all the way to the right) is here instead of Malin Olsson owner of Velvet Dandy´s Helmuth Hertz ( Nr1 Junior). Thank you Malin for doing everything by yourself; grooming, showing so successfully!

Proud owner of our superstar Velvet Dandy´s Ziggy Stardust mr.Martin Ohls. Thank you Martin for letting us show Ziggy and that you are keeping him in absolute topshape all the time!

Eva Larsson our superowner of 3 Velvet Dandy schnauzers! This time winning Agility Dog of the Year with Velvet Dandy´s Delta Work the very same year she had her litter! Thank you Eva for being a supermummy to all your black supergirls!

Elisabeth Gustavsson winning Best Puppy of the year with her superboy Velvet Dandy´s Cooper Black! Thank you Elisabeth for grooming him, training him, showing him and keeping him in supershape together with 2 other black males from Velvet Dandy´s ( Fafner and Falkor)